Friday, December 25, 2020

The Basic Policy of Mortgage

 The Basic Policy of Mortgage

               Hey, Guys, It's me Onesiphoro writer and researcher of
in this blog, I will share with you what is the basic policy of mortgage. 

                      Mortgage basics what is a mortgage alone to finance the purchase of your home consist of five parts collateral your principal and interest payments taxes and insurance when you agree to a mortgage you enter into a legal contract promising to repay the loan plus interest and other costs your home are collateral for that loan if you fail to repay the debt the lender has the right to take back the property and sell it through a process called foreclosure the principle is the amount of money borrowed to buy a home you can put down a percentage of the home's purchase price
called a down payment to 
lower your loans principal amount lenders offer a wide range of down payment options so it's best to ask which one makes the most sense for you which one
makes the most sense for you. 


              Interest is what a lender charges to use the money you borrowed this amount is usually expressed as a percentage called the interest rate principal and interest make up the bulk of you monthly. payments in a process called amortization reduce your debt over a fixed period of time your the mortgage payment will also likely include taxes that are collected by the local community based on the percentage of the value of your home these taxes usually, go towards things like schools road and public services finally lenders will also require you to purchase home insurance to cover your home against losses from fire theft bad weather and other causes additional type of insurance may be required depending on the location of your home and the type of loan you choose. 
      They include flood insurance private mortgage insurance or PMI and mortgage insurance for loans backed by the Federal Housing Administration finally when choosing a mortgage you may have the option to use positive or negative mortgage points which can alter your interest rate and closing costs positive mortgage points are paid as an upfront fee at closing and can help lower your interest rate applying negative points to a mortgage increases your interest rate but may reduce closing costs now that you've got the fundamentals down. keep in mind that lenders offer a wide range of loan products so make sure to ask which product can work best for you. Thant's it I hope that you learn a lot from this topic please do comment below thanks and see you on my next blog.


  1. Mortgage basics what is a mortgage alone to finance the purchase of your home consist of five parts collateral your principal and interest payments taxes and insurance when you agree to a mortgage you enter into a legal contract

  2. a home you can put down a percentage of the home's purchase price
    called a down payment to lower your loans principal amount lenders offer a wide range of down payment

  3. the right to take back the property and sell it through a process called foreclosure the principle is the amount of money borrowed to buy a home you can put down a percentage of the home's purchase price
    called a down payment to lower your loans principal amount lenders offer a wide range of down payment options so it's best to ask which one makes the most sense for you which one
    makes the most sense for you.

  4. if you fail to repay the debt the lender has the right to take back the property and sell it through a process called foreclosure the principle is the amount of money borrowed to buy a home
