Friday, November 13, 2020

No 1 Reason why Being an alpha male is necessary

No 1 Reason why Being an alpha male is necessary

                You must be an alpha male to succeed. .The alpha male is a position within a social hierarchy. In linear hierarchies, alpha males are the highest-ranking males within a group, Followed by sigma, zeta, and the lowest or more common is beta and gamma males/females.

 the alpha male in why his life is usually much less stressful and easier overall than the  life 
of what you would call lower-ranking males, so here's the honest truth no man must be a quote 
on  quote alpha male but if you choose to play the role of lower-ranking males, then there will be 
many consequences  that come along with that choice and you're about to learn exactly what those 
are but the cold reality of human nature is that girls will always feel far more attractive to an alpha 
 male then they will lower-ranking males.


                                                 Now many females do in fact settle down and start a family with men who are not alpha but
most of these women will secretly dream about being with a man who is perceived as alpha 
and no matter what they say girls will always feel far more attraction towards the alpha and if 
the right opportunity arises they will most likely exchange their lower-ranking mail for something 
          I know that sounds really harsh but it's just the way that things are and it happens to hundreds 
of men every day all around the world and it's just a natural part of human nature so the number 
one consequence of not being an alpha male is as follows. 

1.Low level of Attraction
girls, now it's true that girls frequently settle down with lower-ranking males but they will always 
be instinctively more attracted to men who have an alpha male mindset. 

        What you have understood is that just because a lower-ranking male can get a girlfriend 
it doesn't necessarily mean that he will be able to keep her the type of  attraction that most girls
 feel for a guy with an alpha mindset is the same kind of raw. the uncontrollable attraction that most
 of us, men feel when we see a really really really good looking woman it's not something that 
was consciously think about. 
       It's more like something that we feel, it's like somebody flipping switch
we find it really hard to control ourselves when this happens now the same exact thing happens
when females are in the presence of what you would call an alpha male so any guy can choose 
not to be alpha but you have to remember that most girls will not find you very attractive if you 
make this choice and on top of that even when lower-ranking males do find a girlfriend  oftentimes 
they are not able to keep that girl around for very long and ultimately they are abandoned for a more 
 alpha or higher-ranking male.


  1. Now many females do in fact settle down and start a family with men who are not alpha but most of these women will secretly dream about being with a man who is perceived as alpha and no matter what they say girls will always feel far more attraction towards the alpha and if the right opportunity arises they will most likely exchange their lower-ranking mail for something

  2. the alpha male in why his life is usually much less stressful and easier overall than the life
    of what you would call lower-ranking males

  3. as alpha
    and no matter what they say girls will always feel far more attraction towards the alpha and if
    the right opportunity arises they will most likely exchange their lower-ranking mail for something

  4. Girls not knowing this but they really attracted to alpha , back sigma, omega male because of their indiffrent traits and Grinding for their goals in life.
